AEZAKMI Fast Buttons for Facebook

A short description for AEZAKMI Facebook Tools

1 min readFeb 27, 2020
Facebook Tools

FB token

It works only at Ads Manager page. As you click on it the window with Facebook Token is opened. The token can be used in third-party services, for example, to automatically clean comments.

BM Setting

Opens Facebook Business Manager settings.

Create Fan Page

Opens a page where you can quickly create a Fan Page.

Card check

If Facebook requires confirmation of the card, by clicking on this button you can quickly go to the menu where you can immediately send the code, and then enter it.

Quick moderation

Opens the Facebook form, where you can enter the ID of the advertisement and send a request for quick moderation.

Auto rules

Opens the Facebook section, where you can create or edit existing auto rules.

If you have any questions about using these functions, you can always contact us in support:

Telegram: @aezakmisupport



