AEZAKMI Install, Run, Uninstall

3 min readJul 31, 2019


AEZAKMI Installation

After you have downloaded the AEZAKMI installer from our site, run the current version of AezakmiInstall.exe or AezakmiInstall.dmg as administrator (Right-click on the shortcut → Run as administrator). If a window appears asking you to start the installer, click “Yes”, if necessary, enter the administrator password.

Running AEZAKMI Installer as Administrator

Select the version of the pre-installed Chromium browser. There are two options to choose: Default and Ungoogled. Default is a clean build of the Chromium browser without modifications. Ungoogled is the Chromium browser without Google services, set by default by search engine and with the function to delete all cookies when the browser is closed.

Choosing AEZAKMI Version for Installation

When the files are unpacked, you need to restart your computer to apply the settings. You may refuse to reboot it, but we strongly recommend it before using the program.

Completing the AEZAKMI installation process


AEZAKMI icons on your desktop

After you have installed the program and restarted the computer, two icons will appear on your desktop: Aezakmi Browser 1 and CreateNewBrowserProfile. Aezakmi Browser 1 is the first profile of your browser. CreateNewBrowserProfile is responsible for creating new AEZAKMI browser profiles.

To create an additional browser profile, just click on CreateNewBrowserProfile. Since the program is running in the background, there will be no pop-up windows after launch, and after its execution, an icon for the new browser profile will appear.

Additional icons for AEZAKMI browser profiles

Browser profiles isolate parallel browser sessions, in other words, you can work with two or more browser fingerprints at the same time, for example, by logging in to different Facebook accounts; at the same time, the FB anti-fraud system will think that logging into accounts is carried out from different physical devices!

Only your disk space and the RAM of your PC limit the number of browser profiles. The number of running profiles is limited by the computing power of your PC.

When you first launch the browser profile, a window will open with the start page and the AEZAKMI browser extension.

AEZAKMI login homepage with extension (top right)

The page is your personal account for creating, editing and deleting created browser fingerprints.

The AEZAKMI account

The AEZAKMI extension is necessary for applying, changing and stopping the spoofing fingerprints.

AEZAKMI extension with login form
Logged AEZAKMI account and fingerprint profile selection

AEZAKMI Uninstall

Go to Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs and locate the Chrome Aezakmi program (remove only). When uninstalling a program, program files and other Windows users are deleted.

The AEZAKMI Removal Menu in Windows 10 Programs and Components

After starting the program for deletion, a window will appear, which will start immediately deleting all the files of the program.

AEZAKMI removal process completed

After the process is complete, ‘Completed’ appears in the window. Click ‘Close’ to close.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support.

