Changing Language, Time Zone and Proxy Settings in Active AEZAKMI Fingerprint Profile
In one of the latest AEZAKMI updates, we added two new buttons.
This button allows you to change the Time Zone and Language settings. To do this, you need to select the desired country (Country) and the city with the necessary time zone (Time Zone). After that, click Set New Geo-Settings. Return to the main window and press A-E-Z-A-K-M-I to apply the settings.
Notice that the settings applied during the current session are also applied to the fingerprint profile. The next time you start the fingerprint profile, the settings will be as you specified.
This button allows you to change Proxy settings. To do this, you need to specify all the proxy settings, click Check Proxy. After that, click Set Proxy. Return to the main window and press A-E-Z-A-K-M-I to apply the settings.
Notice that the settings applied during the current session are also applied to the fingerprint profile. The next time you start the fingerprint profile, the settings will be as you specified.
If you have any questions about using these functions, you can always contact us in support:
Telegram: @aezakmisupport