How do we manage to run up to 90% of any accounts or how do we decide, determine the reasons for deviations (mental) when working with Facebook.

8 min readOct 6, 2020


NPPR TEAM welcomes you. In this article we will try to cover all the problems.

Responding to numerous requests to our VK group, we were more often asked questions about how we deal with ads rejections and account bans, and the reasons, as you have already understood a lot: domain ban, cloaking, creoses, selfies, etc.

Attention: All that will be described in this article is only our experience with FB.

Today, we will consider the most frequent causes.

Domain Ban.

The solution to this problem is to change the domain or domain zone.

How does our team work with domains?

In our arsenal, we use domain zones: .site, .website, .shop and several other popular domains (our secrets, so to speak).

We buy domains from and

By the way…

🔥 Come on, domains for 59 cents!

With PARTNERKIN promotional code on the service for affiliates and webmasters of (


The main task when working with domains is always to have a “safety margin”.

Having a pool of thousands of domains in different zones, this allows us to track domains until the next launch, sometimes up to several months. Make a reserve of domains, do not spare to invest money in domains. Every day the domain registered by you “gaining weight”, it gets older and search engines index it through public databases, which gives an additional signal for FB.

Besides domains, we also use subdomains. We work only through https://

Main recommendation: The interval between using domains is at least 2 weeks. The interval between the use of subdomains in a particular domain, at least a week.

The process of preparing domains for the launch of advertising:

  1. Bind a domain/subdomain to
  2. Checking for locks, here:
  3. Add to Keitaro and IMKLO, here:
  4. We generate a white page here:

One generated white page, we use many times and have no problems with it.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Domain names, whether there are any forbidden words in using the domain name.
  2. Does https:// work correctly?
  3. Does your cloak and tracker work correctly? Does your data give to bot/human.
  4. The subject matter of the white page is the same as the creo that is being launched. If there are frames in creo with imitation of sexual traits or other actions, then try to use white pages that would display the point of creo to the maximum.

Driving traffic on the potency? Generate white pages with a variety of keys: “buy bananas”, “Excursion to Pisa”. I think the direction is clear

Creoses, creations, creo.

Are the creatives flying away? Or do they used very quickly? Missed FB moderation?

How does our team create and work with creativity?

When launching ads, we use both photo and video creatives.

We have well-established our own creative production. To create creatives, we use Adobe Premier, Camtasia Studio, Adobe Photoshop and other similar tools.

The process of creating any kind of creativity:

  1. We are studying Landing (pre-landing)/offer.
  2. See trends and reviews on the product.
  3. Studying and peeking at spy services.
  4. Writing several scenarios (approaches) and headlines for creativity for different user audiences.
  5. Selection of material from open sources (clipart, videos, creation from scratch).
  6. Creation and processing of materials taking into account Facebook filter bypassing.
  7. Testing by “combat launch” for different target audience.
  8. Selection and scaling and uniqueization of “successful creos”.
  9. Creation of a creative base with successful and unsuccessful approaches.

When creating creativity, we try to invent and discover new approaches every time, the FB becomes smarter and more inventive, and the FB audience is saturated with advertising offers.

Reminding: When creating creos, we focus on the mapping (pre-landing)/offer, as well as the white page on which the bots will navigate. Everything must have a connection, so that the chain is not broken even in the case of a cloak “breakthrough”.

Accounts. Selfies. Checks, etc.

There is a huge number of offers on accounts of different origin, farming and other characteristics. In our turn, we use our own experience in registration and preparation of accounts for launch, which allows us to avoid many moments associated with the use of third-party accounts from other vendors. We don’t guarantee to recommend anybody, because we don’t launch from other vendors’ accounts anymore (we don’t take test launches into account).

Our recommendations for working with accounts here:

The process of preparing and launching accounts:

I want to say that many actions are done at the registration level, so I will only describe what our team does.

  1. Creating a profile in the AEZAKMI antidetect-browser with a load of cookies and proxies, we use a combination of Windows — Chrome, here:
  2. Bind cards 1 acc = 1 proxy (no repetitions within 1 bundle for binding), here:
  3. Add an account in Fbtool, hanging the same proxy as when linking the map (it is important to match the geo within the operator). Maps can be tied in Fbtool as well.
  4. Go to through an antidetect browser with already loaded cookies and proxies.
  5. Go to Adsmanager, generate and import an advertising campaign through
  6. Loading creo.
  7. We check if everything is correct.
  8. We send for moderation. We also use the form for quick moderation — We insert the ID of the ad and write: “Announcement hangs on moderation for a long time, please consider as soon as possible.
  9. We set the autoregulation rules through the FB tool/comment clearing at the discretion of the affiliates.
  10. Let’s analyze the indicators.

What is worth paying attention to:

  1. Proxies, proxies, proxies… this is probably the most important part when working with accounts. There is a huge number of them and we cannot give you unambiguous recommendations and advice which ones to use either. We use our mobile proxies Megafon in five regions of Russia (before that we used 2 more regions, but had to refuse, because the quality of the issued subnets was terrible).
  2. Avoid being in multiple accounts from the same ip address at the same time. (In 2–3 accounts “with pain and fear” you can sit simultaneously from one proxy).
  3. The process of registration and preparation of launch accounts is performed from a proxy from one region, such a bunch does NOT allow to interrupt the GEO chain in the eyes of FB. Proxy GEO is important, but more important is the history and type of proxy, for example: our accounts perfectly live on Ukrainian proxies and conducted small tests on proxies from RB. As strange as it may seem, many affiliates, who came to us, did not even realize that the reason for account rejection is that they have a static IP slime+.
  4. And the subnet of issued ip-addresses is limited only to the last three digits (, which also has a negative impact on the work with accounts.
  5. Working in accounts through a browser, avoid the use of proxies with a time interval for changing the ip-address, the fact is that with the classic filling of ads and just pharming, ip-address modem can change a large number of times, which is not typical behavior of the average user, unless he certainly does not travel on high-speed train across the country.
  6. Buying accounts, try to find out the following information: date of registration of accounts, the type of proxy (mobile / resident), geo-registration, operator, if possible: the number of subnets used to register accounts within a single geo-registration, the frequency of repetition of the proxy (to repeat the ip address, register accounts is categorically not recommended and you should not buy such accounts), the method of registration of the account (again, most likely no one will say, but little = )).
  7. Feedback. Look for reviews and ask for recommendations on sellers. This will help to avoid financial losses.
  8. Pay attention to how many accounts are ready to work, namely: whether there is an avatar, fp, what settings were made before you bought the account. We’ve noticed that the fewer actions were taken with an account, the more likely it is that the accounts will be deleted from the start, because often the autoreg of any store is dead loaded without any activity and if you haven’t taken any actions with it after registration, the account is very likely to fly away even when you log in.
  9. If you use an antidetect-browser, try to choose the characteristics of real devices (not 1257 cores and 3567 gb of RAM, etc.) while creating the imprint.

By following these guidelines you can reduce the risk of losing accounts and therefore money.


We use cards from well-known banks. We are staying at one bank. There is nothing to tell us, because from the very beginning of the foundation, we chose a bank and there were no problems with it (we do not take into account the temporary glitches and whims of FB).

I read and did everything as it is written in the article, but it did not help me. What should I do?

The work of the affiliater in 2020 is a routine process that is repeated day after day, and working under a certain “scheme”, attention is lost and you can make stupid mistakes by inattention and we are no exception, we use the following scheme, which helps us to identify the cause of the ban and rejected.

Scheme “NPPR TEAM”:

  1. Check the proxy if the operator has entered new subnets/does not limit the number of ip addresses issued.
  2. We monitor popular communities and chats for mass account departure.
  3. Check the accounts with a test run:

3.1. Take any neutral picture from the Internet: fruits, mountains, cars, etc.

3.2. Take any white domain from the Internet suitable to your picture, check this domain for a ban in the FB:

3.3. Set up an advertising campaign for your target audience from scratch. Send to moderation. And we wait for the result.

This scheme allows you to 100% touch on all aspects of the launch. In case of successful passing of moderation for us this is a signal that allows us to narrow down the search to “accounts, domains, creos”. Next, we repeat items 1–3, changing only 1 variable, for example: instead of white creo with mountains, we use the creativity that you are going to advertise. I think the direction is clear.

If none of the above does not help, then we need to change the approach to launch and for one all the consumables and build anew the launch method.

We tried to describe the main points we stick to for successful launch of advertising campaigns. We should understand that FB has vagaries, bugs and glitches, when it can mow everything absolutely without any visible reasons, FB develops, but we do not sleep either).

Tests are everything!

I hope we were able to make our life a little easier and make affiliate marketing more understandable.

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