“I will track you down by your IP!” — Or how to hide yourself on the Web.

Fact #1: Everybody uses Internet.
Fact #2: Everybody uses Internet with his/her own purpose.

5 min readMar 12, 2020

This is what you should bear in mind when speaking about your security on the Internet. Not all users surf the Internet with good intentions, somebody can even perform a job connected with spamming. But absolutely all of us leave traces (“fingerprints”) of our actions on the internet, and your IP-address is the principal point of your identification among all other fingerprints.

Up to 2020 there have been several ways of hiding your IP and we will cover them in this article.

To begin with, your IP-address is a factor which helps to determine your geographic position: in fact, IP-address is a residential IP-address which is assigned to you when you conclude an Internet Service Agreement with your local provider at your place of residence.

Progressive users are aware that checking your own IP is easy as pie: you can just visit a free website like whoer.net - and voila – you are open to the whole world: your IP-address pops up on your display looking like “” or “”. Alongside with this info you can see the name of your ISP and your approximate location.

If you want to shield your IP for some reason, you may go two ways:
· buying other residential IPs to use them as proxies for your real IP
· buying datacenter IPs

Speaking about datacenter IPs - in contrast to residential IPs they do not belong to a particular Internet provider. They are able to hide your real IP: the only visible data in this case will be a datacenter proxy and the name of the company-owner of this datacenter.

Visit “Whoer” website: its security system will at once indicate which IP you are using. You will see: it will not be able to determine what your real IP is, if it is covered by a proxy and you have disabled browser extensions that may leak your real IP.

If your purpose is just to conceal your IP, a datacenter proxy can be enough for you.

“Ok, got it!” — you think and are about to quit. But hold on for a minute!

Datacenter IP is not perfect as a safety tool and is not able to present a full alternative to a residential IP proxy.

The matter is that most spammers use exactly datacenter IPs: first, they are cheaper to buy and easy to get: a lot of providers offer them in bulk. That’s why when the security system detects you are using a datacenter IP you are automatically supposed to be a spammer and subjected to extra scrutiny. This is practiced by a lot of popular web-platforms: their security system can throw up a “red flag” against your IP and get suspended all the accounts which you logged in within this IP.

So, even when a legitimate user buys a datacenter IP (which can be of 2 kinds: a VPN or a proxy), the security system detects these types of gateways and scrutinizes such users more. By the way, the system can even see which exactly gateway you use: if just port 80 is open, then you are using a VPN, and if several ports are open — a datacenter IP proxy.

Which is better to choose then — a residential IP proxy or a datacenter IP?

Rest assured: we are not an Internet provider, we do not make any profit of your choice, so we just come to an unbiased analysis of the two ways to shield your IP.

In general datacenter IPs fit most of the users, especially if a user applies special masking software, like the one included in AEZAKMI. Of course, a datacenter IP itself is trigger for a security system of a website, as it was explained above, but if the rest of the fingerprint is plausible, you will likely pass. In fact, legitimate users apply datacenter IPs too.

Though if you do not mask your browser fingerprints and use various datacenter IPs with different accounts, your accounts will likely be suspended. As such, using a datacenter IP is not enough — you need at least additional masking.

Ok, then how can I get this or that proxy?

You can buy datacenter IPs from a provider who sells them, in bulk at a monthly rate — proxies can be private, which means they are used only by you and shared, which you share with other multiple users. If you choose the second type — make sure your partners do not abuse the proxies if you want to keep your accounts working.

Significantly, users of AEZAKMI most often choose private proxies.

Residential IPs can as well be bought from a provider, but much fewer providers offer them, usually these are big, well-known providers. For example, Luminati offers a special service to application vendors — SDK (software development kit). When a user installs an application including such service he/she must agree to share his/her IP with other users and, thus, your IP can subsequently be used by others as proxy. One can put into question the ethical side of this practice, but it definitely is advantageous — the IPs are residential, not datacenter. The price of such IPs is quite high — starting with $500 a month — but it is better than dealing with shady companies which perform their work without even asking your consent.

Here https://aezakmi.run/proxyrecommendations you can read more about it.

To sum it up

· Both options — datacenter IPs and residential IP proxies are aimed at the same thing: hiding your IP on the Internet.

· Though, security systems of websites can detect if you are using a datacenter IP or a residential IP.

· Using a datacenter IP does not necessarily mean your account will get suspended by a security system of the site, but it still becomes a trigger for most of the big web-platforms.

· The usage of correct masking techniques (for example, those included into AEZAKMI) successfully helps most users to keep their accounts under control even when using datacenter IPs.

· Though, some websites still do not allow datacenter IPs as they are — in this case you can only choose a residential IP.

· As websites cannot determine if you are using your residential IP or a residential IP proxy, residential IPs are always trusted more, but some residential IPs can still be blacklisted when abusing them with different accounts.

· So, decide which type you need for your purposes, buy IPs from a provider or create your own proxy pool and use your IPs together with unique masking fingerprints which are offered, for example, by AEZAKMI. In this case you can be sure you will pass all security systems successfully.

If you need a safe option with proxy and serious masking — visit AEZAKMI. It is the most effective way to work through several accounts if you need safety independent of the type of proxy you are using.

If you have any questions about using these functions, you can always contact us in support:

Telegram: @aezakmisupport

Email: support@aezakmi.run

Website: aezakmi.run



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