Bulk Profile Generator for antidetect browser AEZAKMI

4 min readSep 18, 2020


Hello everybody!

Many people really lacked the functionality for bulk profile generation, so numerous account launches required each time to re-select a bunch of settings for creating a profile, which was time-consuming.

Our friends at the NPPR Team have created a useful service to help you streamline your workflows!

Well, friends, let’s take a look at the functionality.

Service link https://aezakmigen.nppr.team/?lang=en

This is how the main page with the generator looks like:

Login — the login, that uses on the website https://account.aezakmi.run/

Token — is an authorization token for working with the API. Can be obtained in an easy and hard way.

Easy way:

Go to the page https://account.aezakmi.run/#/account and press the Token API “Copy” button / the token is copied to the buffer.

Hard way:

  1. Log in with your username and password and go to the page https://account.aezakmi.run/#/dashboard
  2. Next, press the F12 button in the browser and go to the “Network” tab, as shown in the screenshot below

Next, we look for our active page in the “Name” column, it is called “get_all_user_profiles” in the received headers, we look for a line that begins with authorization: — a set of letters, numbers and symbols, this is our token.

Operating system — Windows and Mac OS.

Browser — Chrome and Opera.

Resolution for Windows and MAC OS — depending on the operating system, select the resolution (in your personal account, just make sure that the selected resolution is suitable in conjunction with the selected OS and browser).

Proxy — format line by line: (they will be taken in a circle if there are fewer proxies than profiles). Proxy type https or socks5 (socks5 support only without password).

Cookie — line by line, if there are fewer lines than profiles, then extra profiles will be without cookies. You can also create profiles without cookies.

Profile name mask — profile name, the start number will be added to it at the beginning, and the proxy port at the end. The final profile name will be 123_profilename_8017.

Number of profiles — the number of generated profiles.

Profile start number — your serial number of the profile from which the generation will start.

ATTENTION: If the final profile name completely coincides with what you already have in your account, this whole thing will be overwritten.

When you fill in all the fields, your window should look like this:

Next, press the “Generate profiles” button, a new window will open, in which the generation of profiles will begin, at the end of the script, you will see the execution log.

As we can see all the profiles have been successfully created, now we go to the personal account https://account.aezakmi.run/#/dashboard and click the “Your Profiles” tab and in the drop-down list, we see our created profiles.

Let’s check if everything has been created correctly now by editing the first created profile.

As you can see, everything was successfully created: the cookie was loaded, the proxy too.

In case of any errors, write to NPPR TEAM in a personal VKontakte and in general, we will be glad to any of your feedback!

Join the NPPR TEAM Telegram channel — here you will find a lot of useful services for webmasters!



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